Clothing production is one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions. We want to change that.
As we work to create a community within Cheegs, it is important to us that there are certain values that are shared. For us, sustainability and treating our planet with honor and care is one of those values. From before Cheegs had a name, our founder saw carbon neutrality as a non-negotiable MUST. Our team shares an understanding that it is our duty to our customers, manufacturers and Mother Earth to have our footprint be a core focus. Our motto is, “We handle it so you don't have to think about it”. But you are here, so you clearly want to think about it…
Clothing production is the third largest manufacturing industry after the automotive and technology industries. Textile production itself contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined, according to a House of Common Environmental Audit Committee in 2019. It makes up over 8% of global annual carbon output, which is concerning. We are here because fast fashion giants are solely focused on lowering production costs and they neglect the sustainability aspect of the process. The main sources within the overwhelmingly high 8% of annual carbon output are things like pumping water for cotton, general transport and many oil-based pesticides.